
Birkenstock Slippers Birkenstock

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GHC 320
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Store Name: Birkenstock Trendz GH Call : 0550039339 2nd Telephone Number: 0504875005 Whatsapp Number: 0504875005 Location: Accra,Ghana Email ID: jonasashidor5@gmail.com
Published on
Oct 18, 2024
In Stock

The original footbed of the Birkenstock shoe was created in the 1930s and possesses four different layers that complete the shoes. The first layer of the shoe is the shock absorbent sole, followed by a layer of jute fibers, a firm cork footbed and another layer of jute. The last layer is the footbed line which is a soft suede.

In addition to the original footbed, Birkenstock also gives the option of a soft footbed. The shoe is made of the same materials as the original footbed, with the addition of a foam insert placed under the suede lining.

Birkenstock has also introduced a lightweight, waterproof shoe called the Birkenstock EVA, made of a material called Ethylene-Vinyl-Acetate or EVA


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