BF Suma Essential Oil Coolroll BF Suma

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GHC 50 GHC 35

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    Store Name: Evergreen Healthcare GH Call : 0242866952 2nd Telephone Number: 0508727657 Whatsapp Number: 0242866952 Location: KF 292, Lapaz,Accra-Ghana Email ID:
    Published on
    Jul 29, 2024
    In Stock
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    What is BF Suma Cool Roll?

    BF Suma Cool Roll is a medicated oil that is perfect for relieving pain, inflammation, itchiness, and coughs. It has been used by many people in India for generations to help with their aches and pains.

    The BF Suma Cool Roll ingredients have been used by many people for generations to help with their aches and pains. It contains natural ingredients like eucalyptus, wintergreen oil, camphor which helps relieve pain and inflammation as well as menthol which helps relieve itching.

    This product is an anti-mosquito and instant cooling patch for mosquito bites, insect bites, and other inflammation. It provides long-lasting relief for up to 4 hours. The BF Suma Cool Roll has a unique design that allows it to fit the shape of the skin, while simultaneously providing moisture to help relieve itchiness and swelling.

    The BF Suma Cool Roll is a rollerball that has a unique design that makes it easier to use. Unlike other rollerballs, the BF Suma Cool Roll’s unique design enables closer contact with the skin to facilitate liquid outflow and prevent overflow as well as avoid capping leakage

    Benefits of BF Suma Cool Roll

    Relieve discomfort.
    Rheumatic pain.
    Relieve headache.
    Relieve cough & cold.
    Radiate heat away from the body.
    It is anti-mosquito.
    Helps with giddiness.
    Muscle stiffness.
    For cuts and wounds.
    Helpful with sore throat and toothache



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