Banana Bread Food and Beverages

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    Store Name: PBM Bread Call : 0241587582 2nd Telephone Number: 0241587582 Whatsapp Number: 0241587582 Location: Madina,Accra-Ghana Email ID: [email protected]
    Published on
    Jan 5, 2024
    In Stock

    Want to know exactly where to buy banana bread in Ghana? Want to know banana bread price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Choose to shop the easy way!

    General specifications at a glance- Banana Bread For Sale In Ghana

    So what is banana bread all about! Banana is a very healthy fruit that can be used in many foods which including bread. Banana bread is very healthy and many people love it! What are the benefits? Just check the benefits below.

    • It is rich in Protein. This bread tends to have a high rate of protein which is very good for ones to health. Protein is a very important essential nutrient which is very necessary for the growth, repair, and recovery of muscle and other tissues. Protein also helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, satisfying a hungry appetite to prevent you from eating the full loaf of bread. It is very beneficial as you can see.
    • Banana also helps with a healthy heart. High fibre foods are said to be good for the heart. Based on a study done by the University of Leeds in the UK, increasing the consumption of foods rich in fibre such as bananas can lower the risk of both cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD). Amazing right? Putting this in your bread makes the heart healthier. Choose banana bread always!
    • This bread also gives an energy boost. Consuming this  bread can boost energy. This is due to the presence of its ingredient which is the whole grain or white flour. Apart from boosting energy, it also provides vitamins and minerals. Additionally, it also has fiber to promote digestive health. Having good nutrients can boost energy and help perform daily activities better. Want to be more productive? Choose banana bread!
    • This bread has healthy fats as well. It has healthy fats due to the presence of monounsaturated fats. It comes from ingredients like nuts and olive oil. Moreover, it also has the ability to balance blood sugar levels and lowering the level of cholesterol. As you can see, this kind of bread is very beneficial so order yours directly from the retailer now!

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