Aqua Salveo Water For Life – 10ml bottle size Health and Wellness

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GHC 150

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    Store Name: INatural Herb Call : 0560474579 Whatsapp Number: 0560474579 Location: Accra,Ghana Email ID:
    Published on
    May 18, 2024
    In Stock

    Want to know where to buy aqua salveo water disinfectant in Ghana? Want to know aqua salveo water disinfectant price in Ghana? You can get all that and much more right here on, your product information portal. Choose to shop the easy way!

    General specifications at a glance

    • Water is life, so critical that there can be no life without water.
    • Besides all the numerous benefits of water to human life including animals and crops, it can be deadly when it is contaminated.
    • AQUA SALVEO FOR LIFE – AFRICA marketing program comes in as perfect intervention to making Aqua Salveo a household name in Africa and beyond and thereby promoting health and wealth.

    Water is life, so critical that there can be no life without water. Besides all the numerous benefits of water to human life including animals and crops, it can be deadly when it is contaminated. AQUA SALVEO FOR LIFE – AFRICA marketing program comes in as perfect intervention to making Aqua Salveo a household name in Africa and beyond and thereby promoting health and wealth. Importance Of Water And Your Health. What Water Does for Your Body?
    Water is the major component of most body parts
    Makes up 80% of blood
    Forms Saliva (Digestion)
    Composes 75% of the Brain
    Converts food to components needs for survival – digestion
    Needed by the brain to manufacture hormones and neurotransmitters
    Keeps mucosal membranes moist
    Regulates body temperature (sweating & respiration)
    Allows body’s cells to grow, reproduce and survive
    Acts as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord
    Flushes body waste, mainly in urine
    Helps deliver oxygen all over the body
    Lubricates joints
    Accounts for 22% of Bones
    Makes up 75% of Muscles

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