Anise Seeds Food and Beverages

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GHC 25

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    Store Name: Doros Essential & Supermarket Call : 0552912447 2nd Telephone Number: 0552912447 Whatsapp Number: 0552912447 Location: Accra, Ghana Email ID: [email protected]
    Published on
    Aug 27, 2023
    In Stock

    Want to know exactly where to buy anise seeds in Ghana for sale at best price? Want to know the price of anise seeds in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Shop the easy way!

    General specifications at a glance

    • Anise, also called aniseed or rarely anix, is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae native to the eastern Mediterranean region and Southwest Asia.
    • The flavor and aroma of its seeds have similarities with some other spices, such as star anise, fennel, and liquorice.
    • Rich in Nutrients-Though anise seed is used in relatively small amounts, it packs a good amount of several important micronutrients into each serving.In particular, anise seed is rich in iron, which is vital for the production of healthy blood cells in your body
    • May Reduce Symptoms of Depression-Depression is a common yet debilitating condition that affects up to 25% of women and 12% of men around the world
    • Could Protect Against Stomach Ulcers-Stomach ulcers, also called gastric ulcers, are a painful sore that forms in the lining of your stomach, causing symptoms like indigestion, nausea and a burning sensation in your chest.Though traditional treatment typically involves the use of medications to decrease the production of stomach acid, preliminary research suggests that anise seed could help prevent stomach ulcers and reduce symptoms.
    • Prevents the Growth of Fungi and Bacteria-Test-tube studies show that anise seed and its compounds possess potent antimicrobial properties that prevent infections and block the growth of fungi and bacteria.

    Anise, also called aniseed or rarely anix, is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae native to the eastern Mediterranean region and Southwest Asia. The flavor and aroma of its seeds have similarities with some other spices, such as star anise, fennel, and liquorice.

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