Africa Must Unite Autobiographies and Self Development Books

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GHC 150

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    Published on
    May 11, 2024
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    General specifications at a glance

    • This book, by a great PanAfricanist leader, sets out the case for the total liberation and unification of Africa. It is essential reading for all interested in world socio-economic developmental processes.
    • Those who might have considered in 1963, when Africa Must Unite was first pub­lished, that Kwame Nkrumah was pursuing a ‘policy of the impossible’, can now no longer doubt his statesmanship.
    • Increasing turmoil through the succession of reactionary mili­tary coups and the outbreak of needless civil wars in Afirca prove conclusively that only unification can provide a realistic solution for Africa’s political and economic problems.
    • In the words of the author, “To suggest that the time is not yet ripe for considering a political union of Africa is to evade facts and ignore realities in Africa today.
    • Here is a challenge which destiny has thrown . to the leaders of Africa.”

    This book, by a great PanAfricanist leader, sets out the case for the total liberation and unification of Africa. It is essential reading for all interested in world socio-economic developmental processes. Those who might have considered in 1963, when Africa Must Unite was first pub­lished, that Kwame Nkrumah was pursuing a ‘policy of the impossible’, can now no longer doubt his statesmanship. Increasing turmoil through the succession of reactionary mili­tary coups and the outbreak of needless civil wars in Afirca prove conclusively that only unification can provide a realistic solution for Africa’s political and economic problems. In the words of the author, “To suggest that the time is not yet ripe for considering a political union of Africa is to evade facts and ignore realities in Africa today. Here is a challenge which destiny has thrown . to the leaders of Africa.”

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