Published on
May 8, 2024
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General specifications at a glance
The Gluthanex Day and Night Moisturizing Kit contains 100 Glutanex® medicine grade glutathione tablets, 1 Glutanex® Snow White Cream (50 ML), and 1 Glutanex® Glutathione Night Serum (30 ML). All-day and all night, feed your skin and body the perfect amount of glutathione, antioxidants, peptides, and collagen.
Instantly whiten your skin, and see the difference in your skin tone from the very next morning.
Glutanex is essential to skincare mainly because of the high concentrated glutathione vitamin supplement that’s attached to the amazing skincare products. Glutathione is the main ingredient and it’s known to help keep healthy flawless, lighter, glowing skin from the inside out, repair and strengthen damaged cells, and its detoxifying, which helps with breakouts on the face, chest, back, and so much more.
Glutathione Snow White Cream (50 ML) Suggested Use: Apply a dime-sized amount of the cream before in the morning.
Size: 50 ML
Glutathione Night Serum (30 ML) Suggested Use: Apply a dime-sized amount of the serum before bedtime.
Size: 30 ML
Tablet’s Suggested Use: 1 to 3 tablets per serving. Do not exceed 6 tablets per day. Take as recommended by your physician.
Serving Size: 1 to 3 tablets
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