Green World Aloe Vera Plus Capsule – Supplement / Vitamins Green World Products

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    Green World Aloe Vera Plus Capsule

    Green World Aloe Vera Plus Capsule Description:

    Aloe is a kind of perennial liliaceous fleshy herbaceous plant that grows in tropical and sub-tropical areas. In ancient times, it is praised as “omnipotent medicine”, “bizarre treasure”. Aloe contains numerous active material providing functions such as medical treatment, facial beautification, health care and for consumption.

    Main Ingredients of Green World Aloe Vera Plus Capsule: Natural Aloe, Grape Seed Extracts, Vitamin E

    Characteristics and benefits of Green World Aloe Vera Plus Capsule:

    The grape seed extract contained in this product is a powerful anti oxidant which retards aging effectively. This product can invigorate the regeneration of cell and protect it from harmful bacterial, enhance immunity, maintain normal blood fat level, normalize blood pressure and restore the youth vigor

    The Main Functions:

    1. Anti-canker and renewal of cell: It can rehabilitate gastric ulcer lesions and mouth-cankerous, accelerate the regeneration of cells, cure gastric ulcer, etc

    2. Nourishes stomach, minimizes diarrhea, strengthen energy and maintains health. Pharmacologists point out that aloe vera is a pronoun of bitter peptic. The reason is aloe contains aloin, aloe pyridine which can stimulate the appetite and minimize the diarrhea of the large intestine. Taking aloe can strengthen the stomach function and body constitution. Healthy people eating aloe regularly not only can prevent various diseases, but also can improve the body constitution and increase energy. Aloe can help patient regain appetite. The medical speciality of Aloe is to minimize the diarrhea effectively. Aloe component can increase the small intestine fluid secretion, enhance the activity of lipase and stimulate maladjusted autonomic nerves of large intestine. After ingesting aloe, even people with chronic constipation can digest easily in 8 to 12 hours. Thus, aloe is taken as the best medicament for treating constipation all over the world.

    3. Green World Aloe Vera Plus Capsule: strengthen resistibility, anti-inflammation and sterilization: Amylose in aloe can resist the pathogen in human body and provide the body with resistibility and then improve constitution. Aloe tincture has strong bacteria repellency, and can sterilize directly which makes it superior to antibiotic. Aloe tincture will disable the insecticide tolerance of the cells. Moreover, it can kill the bacteria produced by antibiotic usage, very effectively.

    5. Strengthen bowels function, stabilize and accelerate the incretion system. Aloe can strengthen the digestive function of the intestines, stomach, the mechanism of gallbladder and liver. It has an obvious effect on regulating trypsin secretion from pancreas diabetes and its complications.

    Other health benefits:

    6. Green World Aloe Vera Plus Capsule Regulates the heart, accelerate blood circulation, and soften blood vessels. The function of aloe component is to cure abnormal blood pressure, stroke and other diseases radically.

    7. Detoxification, anti-hyper-susceptibility and anti-histamine. Aloe can eradicate the harmful substance in the body and counteract the toxin invasion. The amylase in aloe can detoxify the liver, accelerate the blood circulation within the liver, help resume liver function and cure the hepatitis effectively. Aloe can eliminate or diminish the complications due to inflammatory medicine, anti-histamine and improve the leukocyte decline radically. It is effective on most symptoms of hyper-susceptibility.

    8. Aloe makes the body fluid alkaline and improve collagen. The body fluid of a healthy person should be alkaline but when acidity increases, the immunity will decline, causing infection all over the body. The main component of aloe, hexose has strong alkality restoring alkaline in body, maintaining body health and enhancing the immunity. Aloe gelatin can improve collagen and has remarkable effect on collagen related diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

    9. Anti-cancer and damage abnormal cells: The amylose in aloe can restrain the growth of abnormal cells. The most valuable microelement in aloe is bio-germnium which can restrain tumor and is called “the salvation bio-germanium (savior) in 21st”. Aloe can enhance the immunity of the body. The effective material in aloe can strengthen the normal cells activity and restrain cancer cells.

    Recommended Usage:

    1 to 2 capsules each time, twice a day

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