Published on
Apr 25, 2024
In Stock
Want to know exactly where to buy converse all star in Ghana? Want to know the price of low converse all star sneakers in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!
General specifications at a glance
We’re the newest thing you’ve known all along. What’s the secret to keeping a century-old brand fresh? Our mission. Converse is empowering today’s daring spirit of youth by celebrating freedom of expression through individuals and their movement(s). Today, youth demand more. We constantly evolve to think and behave in new ways to ensure we continue to stand for creativity, rebellion and daring spirit for the next 100 years.
We love Boston. It’s more than home, it’s an inventive and resilient city rich with history and hardworking individuals. Marquis Converse started the Converse Rubber Company locally in 1908. Ever since, we’ve ridden both the highs and the lows with loyalty and grit. It’s our history, it’s our community, it’s our town.
Our products are designed for the ever-changing world of street culture. It’s not just what you’re wearing, it’s where you’re going. By helping give motion to movements, we walk our talk.
Since 2003, we have been part of Nike, Inc. Our shoes have gained added support, stability, and technology—and our workforce has too. Joining Converse today offers you global reach, personal impact and all the benefits of being owned by Nike, while working within a nimble and independent environment.
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