My Transition Hours Autobiographies and Self Development Books

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    Mar 26, 2024
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    In March 2015, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan made one of those courageous and insightful decisions when he stepped forward to acknowledge he had lost his re-election bid. Through that single stroke, President Jonathan
    raised the bar on office holders in his country and across Africa. This publication is a compilation of President Goodluck Jonathan’s leadership prowess at the helm. It is also a vivid testimony of yet another real life lesson
    to office holders across this continent of budding democracies-there is life after state House!

    -Dr. CHRISTOPHER FOMUNUNYOH, Senior Associate
    for Africa, National Democratic Institute
    (NDI), USA

    President Jonathan, being a statesman, could not say everything he knows. If he clearly defined civilization’s great enemy, he would be accused of phobia, and lose much of his influence.
    The election, and his peaceful solution, proves that intimidation works. He was unavoidable intimidated by the threat of extensive bloodshed.
    Following his administration, terrorists can destroy a village, and the present government responds with hardly more than a wink. People can be silenced by saying so.
    His influence and principles of peaceful government seems to have greater effect in much of Africa and beyond, than in his own country.
    Anyone interested in world peace should read this book. What happens in Nigeria affects the world.

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