Published on
Feb 7, 2024
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Want to know where to buy clinical thermometer in Ghana? Want to know clinical thermometer price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!
In a mercury thermometer, a glass tube is filled with mercury and a standard temperature scale is marked on the tube. with changes in temperature, the mercury expands and contracts and the temperature can be read from the scale. mercury thermometers can be used to determine body, liquid, and vapor temperature. mercury thermometers are used in households, laboratory experiments, and industrial applications. new mercury thermometer, environmentally friendly and non-toxic. temperature range: 35º celsius (94ªfahrenheit) – 42º celsius (108º fahrenheit), precision of 0.1 on the celsius scale and 0.2 on the fahrenheit scale the specifications and measurements are the same as those of a mercury thermometer. useful for family, doctors, hospitals, home, outdoor, travel, etc. applicable in buccal, axillary and rectal positions.
Scale:oC or oF, oC &oF
Accuracy: ±0.1oC(±0.2oF)
measuring range:35-42°C,min interval is:0.10°C
White back, Yellow back or Blue back
clinical thermometers are used for measuring temperature of human body.
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