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Sep 28, 2024
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Enjoy a better and bigger screen with the Hotwav V15 Dual SIM Smartphone. It is equipped with a 5″ Screen that renders pictures and videos perfectly.It is also good for taking clear and sharp pictures since it comes with a 13MP primary camera. It also comes with a finger print reader for taking pictures, unlocking the phone and much more.For those who love speed, the Hotwav Cosmos V15 Dual SIM Smartphone is the best smartphone you need. The double sim slot, 4G LTE connectivity, Octa- core processor, latest Android v6.0 and 2GB RAM for ensure smooth operations when calling,texting,gaming, taking pictures,browsing the web, listening to music among others. It also comes with a long lasting 3500mAh battery. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and grab yours now!
General specifications at a glance-Hotwav V15
See other Hotwav phones here. Order your Hotwav V15 directly from the retailer now.
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