Published on
Mar 9, 2024
In Stock
Our 10 Year Woodstain provide protection for your windows and doors for an entire decade. It’s really easy to apply and there’s no need for a basecoat or primer so you can paint straight away. So for only a couple of hours work, your doors and windows will look good year after year after year. *10 year protection for your exterior wood *Protects from rain, frost, snow and sunshine Won’t peel or flake Doesn’t need a basecoat or primer * Our 10 Year Woodstain provide protection for your windows and doors for an entire decade. It’s really easy to apply and there’s no need for a basecoat or primer so you can paint straight away. So for only a couple of hours work, your doors and windows will look good year after year after year. *10 year protection for your exterior wood *Guaranteed to last 10 years *Protects from rain, frost, snow and sunshine *Won’t peel or flake *Doesn’t need a basecoat or primer *Rainproof in one hour in one hour Antique colors;Pine, Black Ebony, dark oak and more
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