Milk and honey body scrub Beauty and Cosmetics

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GHC 120

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    Remember, you saw it on Reapp Ghana!
    Store Name: Oriflame Sweden Cosmetics Call : 0547585442 2nd Telephone Number: 0202198878 Whatsapp Number: 0547585442 Location: Kwabenya, Accra-Ghana Email ID: [email protected]
    Published on
    Sep 30, 2023
    In Stock

    Want to know where to buy milk and honey scrub in Ghana? Want to know milk and honey scrub price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy and convenient way with reapp!


    *??Battling dark spots, uneven complexion, dark knuckles?*
    *??Battling chest, back and arms acne/pimples?*
    *??Wondering how to restore your damaged skin from cream reaction?*
    *??Wondering why your moisturizer was working well but recently seems not to give you the desired result?*
    *??Wondering why your skin looks dull*
    *??Or how to get rid of your dry, flaky skin?*

    *?? Did you know that exfoliating is one of the major ways to achieve your skin goal of brighter, radiant, even, younger, flawless complexion?*

    *How often do you exfoliate? Exfoliating should be part of your skin care routine 2x weekly.*

    *Not all body scrubs are good for you or the environment. Some body scrubs contain harmful chemicals and even use small plastic beads as the exfoliating agent. You want a natural body scrub that won’t harm you and that is eco- friendly.*

    *Your skin regenerates every 27-30 days, either for better or worse. To give your skin a boost, get a body scrub and make sure that the body scrub is all natural (no harsh chemicals) and one that has a moisturizing component as well. Our Milk & Honey Smoothing Sugar scrub satisfy these criteria and all contents are organically sourced and eco-friendly*

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