Himalaya Speman Health and Wellness

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GHC 108.5

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    Remember, you saw it on Reapp Ghana!
    Published on
    Apr 11, 2024
    In Stock

    Want to know where to buy himalaya speman in Ghana? Want to know himalaya speman price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on reapp.com.gh, your product information portal.

    General specifications at a glance

    • Speman promotes spermatogenesis by improving testosterone levels in men affected by oligospermia. It further improves the sperm count and the quality of semen by increasing the LH-FSH producing basophilic cells in the pituitary.
    • Speman has potent antioxidant property, which reduces oxidative damage to the sperm by preventing disruption in spermatozoa membrane integrity.
    • Speman enhances and improves sexual desire and sustains penile erection. It also contains Tribulus Terrestris, Mucuna Pruriens, Leptadenia Reticulata, and Parmelia Perlata that have effective aphrodisiac properties, effective in seminal weakness.
    • Key ingredients:

      Hygrophilia (Kokilaksha) is beneficial in treating impotence, spermatorrhea and seminal debilities.

      Cowhage/Velvet Bean (Mucunapruriens) is an aphrodisiac, which supports the production of hormones associated with the ‘pleasure system’ of the brain. The herb is a prophylactic (preventative) against oligospermia (low sperm count).

      Tribulus Terrestris (Gokshura) contains protodioscin which converts to Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in the body, a precursor of testosterone and improves sexual desire and sustains penile erection.

    Speman promotes spermatogenesis by improving testosterone levels in men affected by oligospermia. It further improves the sperm count and the quality of semen by increasing the LH-FSH producing basophilic cells in the pituitary.

    Speman has potent antioxidant property, which reduces oxidative damage to the sperm by preventing disruption in spermatozoa membrane integrity.

    Speman enhances and improves sexual desire and sustains penile erection. It also contains Tribulus Terrestris, Mucuna Pruriens, Leptadenia Reticulata, and Parmelia Perlata that have effective aphrodisiac properties, effective in seminal weakness.

    Key ingredients:

    Hygrophilia (Kokilaksha) is beneficial in treating impotence, spermatorrhea and seminal debilities.

    Cowhage/Velvet Bean (Mucunapruriens) is an aphrodisiac, which supports the production of hormones associated with the ‘pleasure system’ of the brain. The herb is a prophylactic (preventative) against oligospermia (low sperm count).

    Tribulus Terrestris (Gokshura) contains protodioscin which converts to Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in the body, a precursor of testosterone and improves sexual desire and sustains penile erection.

    See other products right here.



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