Green World Kidney Tonifying Capsule (For Men) Green World Products

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    Jun 15, 2023
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    Green World Kidney Tonifying Capsule men

    Ingredients in  Green World Kidney Tonifying Capsule  Men: Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Fructus Lycii, Radix Ginseng, Cornu Cervi Pantotrichum, Cortex Cinnamomi, Semen Euryales, Concha Ostreae, Flos Chrysanthemi

    Characteristics and Benefits of  Green World Kidney Tonifying Capsule Men:

    1. Invigorates the kidney and improves the function of infiltration;

    2. Removes the toxins accumulated in the kidneys;

    3. Improves sexuality in men.

     Green World Kidney Tonifying Capsule Men is Suitable for:

    1. Males with compromised immunity

    2. Males with impotence caused by weakened kidney functioning

    Key knowledge:

    Kidney meridian at the view point of TCM

    Known as the ‘Minister of Power’, the kidney is regarded as the body’s most important reservoir of essential energy. The original prenatal energy (Yuan Qi) which forms the basis of life is stored in the kidney, which is why the kidneys are also known as the ‘Root of Life’. In the Chinese view, the kidney meridian also includes the adrenal glands that secrets a wide range of essential hormones regulating metabolism, excretion, immunity, sexual potency and fertility. The kidney meridian is extended to what the Chinese call the ‘external kidneys’; the testicles in men and the ovaries in women. Thus the kidneys’ control sexual and reproductive functions and provide the body’s prime source of sexual vitality, which the Chinese regard as a major indicator of health and immunity.

    It improves eyesight through enhancing liver function and boosts male sexuality through nourishing the kidneys.

    Other Important Facts About This Product:

    The polysaccharides in Rhizoma Dioscoreae can protect the pancreas islet cells that produce insulin. Both traditional and modern research have proved that Rhizoma Dioscoreae can improve immunity, prevent atherosclerosis, strengthen heart functioning and delay aging.

    Radix Ginseng; is well known in both Western and Eastern culture for its unique properties of improving immunity and enhancing stamina of the body.

    Concha Ostreae contains 18 amino acids, vitamin B complex, taurine, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, etc. It has been used as a herb to boost sexuality of men.

    Looking for Green World Kidney Tonifying Capsule Men to buy in Lome Accra Kumasi Abidjan Joburg Nairobi on great prices? Send us a chat or contact us for more information.
    To read more about supplements in the same category, please kindly follow the link: to know more Supplements / Vitamins Men.



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