Automatic Bed Massager Gym Equipment

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GHC 8,790

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    Store Name: Ebecks Medicals Call : 0247080067 Whatsapp Number: 0247080067 Location: Tema,Greater-Accra,Ghana Email ID:
    Published on
    Dec 15, 2023
    In Stock

    Want to know where to buy automatic bed massager in Ghana? Want to know automatic bed massager price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!

    General specifications at a glance

    • Thermal Massage bed Customized For Your Body The length of the spine varies in different people, just like their height.
    • The RoboTouch Thermal Massage Bed scans the spine of each user and uses that information to offer an unprecedented, personalized thermal massage experience.
    • Feature 1: SPINE SCANNING The internal projector, while moving along the body from head to pelvis, measures the length of your spine and the degree of your spinal curvature to suggest a massage that best accommodates your body.

    Thermal Massage bed Customized For Your Body The length of the spine varies in different people, just like their height. The RoboTouch Thermal Massage Bed scans the spine of each user and uses that information to offer an unprecedented, personalized thermal massage experience. Feature 1: SPINE SCANNING The internal projector, while moving along the body from head to pelvis, measures the length of your spine and the degree of your spinal curvature to suggest a massage that best accommodates your body.

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