Aurawhite Beauty Collagen Plus Beauty and Cosmetics

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GHC 430

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    Store Name: Nadooki Beauty Supplies Call : 0240022838 2nd Telephone Number: 0547575562 Whatsapp Number: 0240022838 Location: Legon,Accra-Ghana Email ID:
    Published on
    Jun 10, 2024
    In Stock

    Want to know where to buy Aurawhite Beauty Collagen Plus in Ghana? Want to know Aurawhite Beauty Collagen Plus price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal.

    Benefits of Aura white Beauty Collagen Plus:

    • The result can be seen in 14days
    • Brightens skin
    • More elastic and supple skin
    • Stimulate collagen production
    • Promotes younger looking skin
    • Helps to enhance the body’s immune system
    • Reduces acne and pigmentation
    • Lightens blemishes
    • Reduces wrinkles & fine lines
    • Skin is softer and moisturized
    • Reduce hair loss
    • Reduce scars and dark spot
    • Reduce cellulite
    • Reduce cracked heels
    • Reduce stretch marks
    • Moisturize dry lips
    • Eliminate toxins
    • Less joint pain
    • Strengthen bones
    • Lower cholesterol level
    • Increase energy and the body’s stamina
    • Increase the production of breast milk

    Aura white Beauty Collagen Plus is formulated for starters who are looking for anti-aging and whitening skin properties. This beauty supplement lightens the complexion with no side effects.


    Salmon Collagen Peptide, Maqui berry, Roselle, Cranberries, Strawberries, Snow lotus, Raspberry, Red Apple, Blueberry, Pomegranate, Grapes, Dragonfruit, Brocolli, Prune, Kiwi

    How to consume:

    Take 2 scoops of Aurawhite Beauty Collagen Plus powder with 150ml cool water twice a day morning before breakfast and at night before bedtime. Please do not use hot water as it may deactivate the nutrients.

    Tips: Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Avoid caffeinated and carbonated drinks.

    Order yours directly from the retailer above now!

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