Profit First Book Autobiographies and Self Development Books

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    Published on
    Mar 23, 2024
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    Want to know where to buy profit first book in Ghana? Want to know its price? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!

    This book will change the way you think about running your business – and your life. Most of the book is on how to take out the profit of your business before you take out the expenses. It’s an interesting and different way to approach finances for your business. The author also gives strategies for “the profit first life,” which I found especially helpful. His plan involves destroying your debt and taking out money (profit) first, to assure you can have financial freedom in the future. This is an excellent book, but like any self-help book, it will only change your life if you can actually implement the ideas. I highly recommend this book.

    Author of cult classics The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur offers a simple, counterintuitive cash management solution that will help small businesses break out of the doom spiral and achieve instant profitability.

    Conventional accounting uses the logical (albeit, flawed) formula: Sales – Expenses = Profit. The problem is, businesses are run by humans, and humans aren’t always logical. Serial entrepreneur Mike Michalowicz has developed a behavioral approach to accounting to flip the formula: Sales – Profit = Expenses. Just as the most effective weight loss strategy is to limit portions by using smaller plates, Michalowicz shows that by taking profit first and apportioning only what remains for expenses, entrepreneurs will transform their businesses from cash-eating monsters to profitable cash cows. Using Michalowicz’s Profit First system, readers will learn that:

    · Following 4 simple principles can simplify accounting and make it easier to manage a profitable business by looking at bank account balances.
    · A small, profitable business can be worth much more than a large business surviving on its top line.
    · Businesses that attain early and sustained profitability have a better shot at achieving long-term growth.

    With dozens of case studies, practical, step-by-step advice, and his signature sense of humor, Michalowicz has the game-changing roadmap for any entrepreneur to make money they always dreamed of.

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