5W30 German Adler Synthetic Engine Oil from Germany Cars and Auto Parts

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GHC 290 GHC 250

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    Store Name: Kem-D Batteries & Tyres Call : 0248419127 2nd Telephone Number: 0208875442 Whatsapp Number: 0248419127 Location: North Kaneshie,Accra-Ghana Email ID: kemdbatteries@gmail.com
    Published on
    Jun 9, 2024
    In Stock

    Want to know where to buy 5w30 engine oil in Ghana? Want to know 5w30 engine oil price in Ghana? You can get all the product and shop information you desire right here on reapp.com.gh, your product information portal. Always choose to shop the easy way!

    5W30 German Adler Synthetic oil.
    Quantity is 5 litres.
    Good for both petrol and diesel engines
    Made in Germany engine oil.
    Good for latest car engines.
    We also have the transmission fluid.
    Check out our website for our batteries, tyres, spark plugs and wiper blades. kemdbatteries

    GERMAN ADLER is an internationally operating company in the lubricant industry with its headquarters located in Frankfurt/Main, in central Germany.
    Our core business is the global selling of motor oils, gear oils, hydraulic oils, industrial and agricultural oils, greases as well as additives, antifreezes, winter chemicals and brake fluids. Since each item of our wide product range is manufactured in Germany, it is created in a certified production process and therefore meets the highest quality standards.

    Our company places great value on good cooperation and is characterised by flexibility and reliability.
    On these grounds we develop new market strategies together with our business partners and provide them with advisory support.

    One of our guiding principles is “GERMAN ADLER means being partner, not just customer“. Due to our many years of experience within the oil business and in accordance with our partners we achieve a competitive advantage on the world market. GERMAN ADLER GmbH combines German quality with a global view of a market-oriented vision. Because the quality label ‘Made in Germany’ is an international value.



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